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Capilla del Monte in Transition

Last Updated: 796 days ago
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Greetings from Jardín de los Presentes, the “Garden of the Present,” in the city of Capilla del Monte, province of Córdoba, in central Argentina! Jardín de los Presentes is a small organic farm, school, and center of ecological and social change. Recently, we encountered the Transition Town movement while researching ecological and alternative energy themes on the internet, and we felt a strong connection with it’s primary objectives and core methodology and focus.

We have begun working with and contemplating the Transition Town manual. We feel that Capilla del Monte is a prime candidate, with support and direction, to become an official Transition Town in the near future, according to the guidelines on the Transition Town website. It is now our intention to work towards that goal in an urgent mannor.

One of our Initiators, Pablo Perret, has completed a permaculture course with Max Lindegger, and with his guidance we are continuing to experiment with permaculture design and implementation.

On a daily basis we practice gardening and “hugelkulter,” chicken raising, composting toilets, greywater filtering and recycling, and cob construction.

Another current major project is the construction of a South American-style Earthship following the designs of Michael Reynolds. We also continue to practice and teach self-sufficiency skills like carpentry and metalwork. Additionally, we are a part of the Willing Workers on Organic Farms worldwide network. We receive and host visitors on a weekly basis, though our lodging and camping space is limited.

We would like to begin to integrate our local project with the worldwide Transition Town network. We would like to offer what services and experiences that we can in order to help strengthen the movement, and we also request any futher support or direction anyone can provide for us in addition to what is already available on the internet.

 Let’s communicate, network, and work together to prepare for a more secure and beautiful future!

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