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Wells, Somerset

Dernière mise à jour : Il y a 207 jours

How we came about In May 2008, Transition Glastonbury held their first “Somerset in Transition” event which was a huge success and spawned many more Transition Towns within Somerset. By some fortuitous turn of fate, there were several people from Wells at that event who felt inspired enough by what they’d seen and heard to want to initiate something similar in this city. A meeting was arranged at which just the right number of people turned up to form a Core Group and so Transition Wells was born.

The aims and objectives of the Core Group are primarily to get the transition initiative in Wells underway, at which point we will disband. Our job at this stage is to raise awareness of the issues underpinning the transition initiative – how to build community resilience in the face of peak oil and climate change. – and to encourage others to get involved.

If you’re one of those who would like to be involved in some way, sign up to our monthly newsletter. And please do come along to one of our meetings or events.

We are currently seeking new Core Group Members.

We offer talks to local community groups and organisations.

If you would like to know more, please email Maddy

Contact Wells, Somerset

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