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Last Updated: 778 days ago

Initiative began : January 2010

First meeting of pilot committee : April 10, 2010

The collective became a declared non-profit association (loi 1901) : November 19, 2011

Creation of Local Antenna groups : Magny-les-hameaux (April), Montigny-le-Bretonneux (June)

Projects in 2013 : 

Educational garden “les Mains dans la Terre” installed in permaculture by inhabitants during participative workshops (food forest, mandala vegetable garden, construction of small pond, cob construction using materials from site planned for october). year round, weekly workshops and open garden days.

Initiation to Permaculture weekends at the Educational garden.

Departmental-regional (Yvelines and Essonne) meeting of Transition Initiatives à Saint Quentin en Yvelines (28 April 2013)

Incredible Edibles (les Incroyables Comestibles) launched at Magny les Hameaux, Elancourt, Montigny-le-Bretonneux, Guyancourt, Trappes.

Participation in Collective for Free Public transports at SQY.

Participation in Collective for Champs des Découvertes project (to being local community supported agriculture to a publicly owned land of 70 hectares in SQY)

Groupe Energie-habitat : Village Cocooning project

Groupe Bien-Etre : “Well-being” theme days

“un Verger dans ma Ville” projects include :

School outreach permaculture programs  (fruit tree at school project, workshops with children ages 3 to 11).

3rd annual Group purchase of heritage organic fruit trees with planting workshops.

Fruiticulture workshops on cuttings, grafting. Pruning, and care of fruit trees.

Interactive google map of local fruit trees in public and private spaces.

Solidarity harvest “Récolte Solidaire”, in partnership with the town of Magny-les-Hameaux, Secours Populaire and Secour Catholique.

About Saint Quentin en Yvelines and the towns that make up the “New City”(Ville Nouvelle): Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines is a new city (1970’s) that has been created from 7 ancient towns; Elancourt, Guyancourt, Magny-les-Hameaux, Montigny-le-Bretonneux, Trappes, La Verrière and Voisins-le-Bretonneux. The neighboring town of Maurepas was originally part of the new city, but left the group in 1983. The new city is located in the Yvelines department in France, to the west of Versailles. As part of an agglomeration, in many aspects (transport, social services, local governmental agencies), the towns share many parts of a common infrastructure. Though each town has it’s own elected council, the Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines city council is made up of representatives from each town. According to the 2007 census, the “agglomeration” had 146,598 inhabitants for an area of 6742 hectares, or a population density of 2,174 inhabitants/km2.

Website : http://sqyentransition.wordpress.com

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