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Transition Chichester

Dernière mise à jour : Il y a 206 jours
Numbers vary depending on the nature of the activities we put on. Green Fairs and outdoor events often attract in excess of 500 people. On a regular weekly basis, around 50 people attand our activities.
June 2028
Très actif
  • La culture communautaire
  • Autres projets alimentaires
  • Nature
  • Centre ou activités communautaires
  • Festivals, foires ou événements
  • Art / créativité
  • Construire des réseaux locaux
  • Bien-être ou transition intérieure
  • Projets pour la jeunesse ou l'éducation
  • Partager, réparer ou réutiliser
We have fomed links with major organisations in Chichester such as the Chichester Festival Theater, Chichester Cathedral, New Park Community Centre, the Chamber of Commerce. The community energy company: SOLESCO is the result of a TC initiative. Wellbeing is important for us and we have formed links with local organisations promoting mental health such as the Richmond Fellowship and The Chichester Centre.

Transition Chichester (TC) was created in June 2008. We are a busy group hosting several projects in the city of Chichester. Our Grow Chichester project manages two community gardens (one of which is a therapeutic garden) and two community orchards. We also run an outreach project where refugees and TC volunteers come together twice a month to share food. We have a weekly Earth Café which is a meeting point for volunteers, and organise Repair Cafés on a regular basis. Our Climate Change Group works on educating the public on adaptation to climate change. Most years we run a public event aimed at raising awareness of climate issues. We also work with our local cinema to put on Green Screen events showing a programme of environmental films.

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