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Transition Buxton CIC

Dernière mise à jour : Il y a 180 jours
So far in 2024 we held an Energy Day event that attracted over 300 people, a film night with an audience of 90, an alternative catwalk show with a full house in a venue with 60 capacity, a number if stalls and informal creative events, as well as meetings, monthly Repair Cafes and the Library of Things now has 150 registered borrowers. Buxton is a small town of 27,000 people and we work with others including helping to organise election hustings (150 people turned up), and a photo opportunity with over 200 people outside our recently closed museum & art gallery to show the community's passion for its return.
CIC (société d'intérêt communautaire)
Très actif
  • La culture communautaire
  • Nature
  • Festivals, foires ou événements
  • Art / créativité
  • Construire des réseaux locaux
  • Projets d'économie locale ou de nouvelle économie
  • Projets pour la jeunesse ou l'éducation
  • Partager, réparer ou réutiliser
  • L'énergie
We work closely with colleagues in the Sustainable Transport Group, Buxton Civic Assn, and Serpentine Community Garden as well as others in our community.

Transition Buxton is a local group working together to improve our community resilience, particularly in the transition to less fossil fuel dependence.

We have been going since 2008, have approx 160 Members, + 400 on our supporters email list.

We have a dispersed community orchard of over 120 trees.

We run a monthly Repair Café and a Library of Things.

We do free home energy surveys.

We are proud to have achieved Plastic Free Community status through the City to Sea scheme.

We established Serpentine Community Garden which is now a standalone charity.

We do education outreach work in schools including Youth COP conferences in November each year since 2021.

We work with other groups in our town and Borough to to bring forward local policies and schemes following declaration of a Climate Emergency.

And much more

Contact Transition Buxton CIC

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