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Fontenay le Fleury en Transition

Viimeksi päivitetty: Päiväys: 92 päivää sitten
Organisation du Festival des Alternatives en septembre 2023 à Fontenay-le-Fleury, environ 1500 visiteurs. Organisation de conférences. Organisation d'un Noël Zéro-déchet en novembre 2024.
Association loi 1901
Jonkin verran aktiivinen
  • Yhteisön kasvattaminen
  • Luonto
  • Yhteisön keskus tai toiminta
  • Festivaalit, messut tai tapahtumat
  • Yhteisön visiointi / mielikuvitustyö
  • Paikallisten verkostojen rakentaminen
  • Sosiaalinen oikeudenmukaisuus / Oikeudenmukainen siirtymä toiminta
  • Nuoriso- tai koulutushankkeet
  • Jaa, korjaa tai käytä uudelleen
  • Liikenne
  • Muut

We are a group of citizens in our town, Fontenay-le-Fleury near Versailles, France, already largely involved in associative and municipal life. We want to work together building a positive future for ourselves, our children, and our planet. proposing another way for human development.

In the current context of climate emergency, we cannot let the actors and promotors of a suicidal and destructive productivist economic model go further on. We have to stop the destroying of our planet and our lives. We have to work together enhancing the Transition movement initiated by Rob Hopkins.

Our action takes place in our local environment, our town, and we hope, with the towns in our neighbourhood. The more we are, the more we will be able to change things and force the local politics following the Transition way, respecting by the way the democratic process et values.

The aims of our movement are :

– developping solidarity bonds between inhabitants of our territories ;

– refundation of democraty, involving more citizens in local politics, to be a strong part of decisional processes ;

– acting to limit the consequences of climate changes : preserving our natural environment, preserving biodiversity, reducing our energy consumption, our waste, enhancing soft mobility, composting, recycling ;

– promotion of an alternative model of human development, based on sobriety, solidarity, social equity, consciousness of our limits, respect of our natural environment, instead of unlimited growth, endless consumption, accumulating material possessions ;

– developping the resilience of our territories by enhancing circular economy, organic agriculture.

We have already began working on : cycling promotion, recycling, composting, enhancing local money.

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