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Tuomioistuinpiirin kahvila

Last Updated: 790 days ago
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The Court-Circuit Café  is a transition initiative  project set to open april 2011 here in Nice (french riviera) created by the association transition alpes maritimes, we are very keen on it’s realisation the local agriculture being in a ruinous state, having gone from 10 000 farmers in 1970 to 650 today. Nice being since 50 years the converging  point for thousands of property buyers from all over europe, creating demand for summer residencies (unocuppied 75% of the year)  creating a “real estate bubble” and thereby putting pressure on agricultural land prices. Most food producers have now been pushed inland up in the mountains 50-70 km away from the best farming  land on the coast-line.  “we are intent on helping rebuild a vibrant local food economy with territorial resilience through the pursuit of our current partnerships with producers and structures offering local organic foods and the strengthening of the model of  AMAP groups  that pass contract collectively with  producers for a weekly veg+fruit basket, thus providing the farmers with income stability and also by helping farming newcomers settle and buy  land through mutualisation, etc”.

Olemme näyttäneet elokuvan Transition 1.0 useita kertoja Alpes Maritimes helmikuusta 2010 lähtien, eko-festivaaleilla (kanssa Danielle Grunberg vieraana puhujana) ja paikallisissa projektio / keskustelut.

Sittemmin "departementin" piirikuntaan on muodostunut useita "muller-ryhmiä".


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