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Last Updated: 95 days ago
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We are an organizational partner for EcoFair Toronto (, and about 1,100 people attended that last year. The other 100 or so people were mostly people who helped with our TreeMobile project, but there are various other projects that also had small volunteer groups.
We are a Non-profit Corporation incorporated in Ontario.
Muy activo
  • Crecimiento comunitario
  • Otros proyectos alimentarios
  • Centro comunitario o actividades
  • Festivales, ferias o acontecimientos
  • Proyectos de economía local o nueva economía
  • Justicia social / Actividades para una transición justa
  • Energía
Too much to get into.

Transition Toronto (TTo) was formed in November 2009.

OUR VISION A Toronto made up of interconnected neighbourhoods that are locally resilient.

Our mission is to:

-build connections between individuals, neighbourhoods, and local government to increase community engagement; -encourage and enable individuals to reduce fossil fuel dependency; -empower people to retain or increase their quality of life; -identify, develop, and share local resources; and, -inspire and support positive action for community solutions to increase local resilience.

We work in collaboration with other non-profit groups on projects that overlap with our members’ interests and TTo’s goals, including the Green Neighbours Network of Toronto.

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