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Amigos de la North Highland Way

Last Updated: 21 days ago
We launched the first Climate Fringe Festival in May 2023. We had the Caithness and Sutherland Walking Festival from 2024 to 2008, but it was not sustainable. This gave a flavour of the area. Looking at the stats on the web site, about 80 people attended. Events were free, and that was the only monitoring we did. Other events are not yet measureable, but the stats on the website are phenomal so we are confident they will be a success.
No constituido (un grupo de individuos)
Algo activo
  • Crecimiento comunitario
  • Otros proyectos alimentarios
  • Naturaleza
  • Visión comunitaria / trabajo de imaginación
  • Proyectos de economía local o nueva economía
  • Otros
Developing the North Highland Way, food waste research, building a WII heritage trail. In addition, the East Coast of Scotland. We input to NESCAN's funding application, and have just voted for the projects in Moray and Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen City. We now start to affiliate and join with other community groups and charities.

Friends of the North Highland Way are anyone and everyone who has spent time and money on developing the North Highland Way, a multi use route from John o Groats to Durness and ten miles inland, as agreed with The Highland Council in 2014.  The Highland Council are Friends of the North Highland Way, as are NatureScot, HiTrans, SEPA, Forestry and Lands. All have provided information for research purposes in developing the Way.  In 2014 40 local businesses paid into the scheme for administration and the web site. We are now looking at the east coast, that is to say the NorTrail, which was in place 15 years ago.  We have submitted Just Transition documents to The Highland Council and for the Local Place Plans.

We input our Just Transition plans to The Highland Council in July 2023.

We worked with the Moray Climate Action Network for a while as well as Aberdeenshire and Fife.


In September 2024 we transitioned to energy.  We now move forward with the Climate Action Group International, and with marine energy in particular.  However, we fully support the Communities B4 Power Group as well as the Highlands Renewables.

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