Bridport sostenible
Última actualización: Hace 75 días

Algo activo
- Crecimiento comunitario
- Otros proyectos alimentarios
- Centro comunitario o actividades
- Festivales, ferias o acontecimientos
- Creación de redes locales
- Compartir, reparar o reutilizar
- Energía
Transition Town Bridport was formed in early 2009 and has thrived ever since. In 2023 we rebranded ourselves as Sustainable Bridport after 14 year of explaining what a transition town is! Bridport is a market town with many initiatives working towards a sustainable town. SB works alongside these to sustain action on food, retrofitting homes, renewable energy and skills. We have three regular inputs:
- We run two edible gardens at St Mary’s and Bridport Primary schools, each with polytunnels and an allotment, involving children in growing vegetables and fruits. We also run cookery courses and social events round the cob pizza oven. We initiated a glut stall to share surplus produce from our allotment and local gardeners., which has continued for three years as Bridport Community Food Stall.
- Greener Homes is an initiative to showcase building and retrofitting homes and adopting low impact lifestyles. This has now spread to the whole of Dorset, with 40-60 households opening their homes to visitors to share their vision and experience.
- We have run four Green Fortnights, which involved meetings workshops and events round a theme. These have included Shop Local, Plastics, Sustainable farming and Fast Fashion. These have spawned independent campaigns, Totally Locally, Plastic Free Bridport, Bridport Food Matters.
- Bridport Fashion Revolution continues to be part of SB and campaigns on fast fashion with clothes swaps and repair workshops.With the help of a Transition Together workshop we have been running textile workshop at the your club for younger people.
We are strongly involved in the local food group, Dorset Community Energy and Dorset Climate Action Network
Please see our website for more details about us, or get in touch through