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Abergavenny Transition Town

Last Updated: 112 days ago
See overall description above of our evolution.
No constituido (un grupo de individuos)
Algo activo
  • Crecimiento comunitario
  • Otros proyectos alimentarios
  • Festivales, ferias o acontecimientos
  • Visión comunitaria / trabajo de imaginación
  • Creación de redes locales
  • Compartir, reparar o reutilizar
  • Transporte

Since forming in 2012  we coordinated active sub-groups preparing action plans in the areas of  renewable energy generation, local food, public transport, ‘active travel’, the town’s public realm, and  climate impact awareness raising. Boundaries and overlaps between the activities of ‘Abergavenny  Transition Town‘ (ATT) ‘Abergavenny Extinction Rebellion‘, ‘FoE Aber& Crick‘ and most recently ‘Greener Abergavenny‘ has ocurred more recently alongside many of those earlier active ATT sub groups either becoming independent  (such as the Laurie Jones Community Orchard (CIC))  or dissolving. This means that while organisationally ATT still has a contact group of 180 people its role is now largely disseminating local and regional climate action information. We are in discussion with our members about becoming a formally affiliated member of ‘Greener Abergavenny’ (GA) that brings together many of the climate and green-focussed groups in the settlement that has just run, in October 2024, its second annual Greener Abergavenny fair promoting over 50 climate focussed intititaives in and around Abergavenny.( The current Chair of ATT is on the Steering group of GA). It will need a new younger generation to revive ATT’s  direct action on our streets, to focus on supporting the most vunerable in our community as system collapse and the full impact of climate change arrive with up to 3.1 degrees C temperature increases over 1990 levels occurring.  We recognise that this will affect everyone in the community and that everyone can be part of the solution but there will be as ever, in our very unequal society, those who will suffer inordinately, struggling to adapt to these impacts. This should be our focus.



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