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Casco de transición y permacultura

Last Updated: 146 days ago
Constitution based on Transition Initiative model
Algo activo
  • Crecimiento comunitario
  • Centro comunitario o actividades
  • Festivales, ferias o acontecimientos

Based in Hull, we have been active since 2009, raising awareness by film showings, speakers, discussions and by setting up an allotment, Constable Community Allotment, now run by a residents association in which some of us are involved.

Since Covid we have not been as active as previously. However Constable Community Allotment continues to thrive. Its Project Manager is Lausanne Tranter, who continues as co-ordinator of Transition and Permaculture Hull. She can be contacted by phone on 07816 141169.

Events are held at the allotment –  most recently a Permaculture Open Day on Sat 7 September 2024, with live music, home made pizzas and talks and demonstrations related to permaculture.

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