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Framlingham (Fram más verde)

Última actualización: hace 3 días
We had a successful re boot in July and now have 24 members of which 12 are active volunteers
We are a Voluntary Constituted community group
Muy activo
  • Naturaleza
  • Arte / creatividad
  • Visión comunitaria / trabajo de imaginación
  • Creación de redes locales
  • Bienestar o transición interior
  • Energía
Our current projects Splash of Colour, Keep the Heat Fram Homes for Nature Fram Food Larder

We are a voluntary constituted community transition group based in Framlingham.  We promote all aspects of low carbon living and help are local area to become more resilient. We have rebooted in July 2024 and now have monthly meetings.

On Saturday 7th Dec – We are celebrating what we have achieved. From the possible closure of the group in May of this year, we had a successful reboot and then 3 further meetings on climate change, resource depletion and Fram Visioning. We now have 24 members with 10 volunteering for projects and new website . Many thanks to all who have contributed to this success.

Projects coming up:

January 25th we have a stall on the Market Hill, we have Homes for Nature where will be giving away bird boxes, bee hotels and free wildflower seeds. We will be asking for donations.  The core group will be meeting this month and organizing future monthly meetings, details to follow.

February 13th – 24th Keep the Heat Fram where a team will be going round the town taking thermal images of homes where owners have given permission. The camera is being hired free from the Suffolk Climate Change Partnership.

March Splash of Colour, where a team will be sowing wild flowers around the town. Permissions and funding arranged by the District Council. Follow up the Keep the Heat Fram talking to home owners about the thermal image for their home and pointing them to available grants.

May Our annual AGM date to be agreed.

All the above venue based activities are 9.30 -11.30 am  at the Unitarian Meeting House, in Bridge Street, Framlingham.


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