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Transition Town Kaitaia

Last Updated: 106 days ago
Kein Hub
TTK core group still networks on community needs and contributes to TTK monthly newsletter.
Nicht konstituiert (eine Gruppe von Personen)
Ziemlich aktiv
  • Gemeinschaft Wachsen
  • Gemeinschaftliches Zentrum oder Aktivitäten
  • Kunst / Kreativität
  • Aufbau lokaler Netzwerke
  • Projekte der lokalen Wirtschaft oder der neuen Wirtschaft
  • Soziale Gerechtigkeit / Just Transition Aktivitäten
  • Teilen, Reparieren oder Wiederverwenden
  • Andere
EcoCentre is best point of contact:

Transition Town Kaitāia was established in Far North of Aotearoa/NZ in 2009, met monthly until 2019, and was instrumental in setting up Kaitāia Timebank, a local Savings Pool, Māra Kai Community Garden, and EcoCentre – which are all still active!

TTK no longer formally meets but has a monthly newsletter with 200+ readership.  Former TTK members are active across a range of new initiatives: Kaitāia Cycle (food-waste collection & composting), Anō Anō (clothing & resource repurposing), Repair Cafe, Plastic-Free Kaitāia, etc.

Kontakt Transition Town Kaitaia

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