ReThink Red Deer

- Gemeinschaft Wachsen
- Andere Lebensmittelprojekte
- Festivals, Messen oder Veranstaltungen
- Projekte der lokalen Wirtschaft oder der neuen Wirtschaft
- Soziale Gerechtigkeit / Just Transition Aktivitäten
- Jugend- oder Bildungsprojekte
- Teilen, Reparieren oder Wiederverwenden
- Energie
ReThink Red Deer is dedicated to enhancing the long term quality of life in Red Deer and surrounding area.
Our philosophy is that we are citizens first and consumers second; that our world is finite and borrowed from future generations; that we can live sustainably and in harmony with nature; and that inspiration is a renewable resource.
ReThink Red Deer coordinates its action around four key principles:
1) Smart Urban Planning 2) Protecting and Enhancing Natural Assets 3) Transportation Alternatives 4) Reinvigorating the Democratic Process
We believe in starting where we can – with our own lives, and our own community – Red Deer.
Our organization assembles around the practices of a “for-benefit” organization; integrating social and environmental aims with business approaches. ReThink Red Deer is applying a social enterprise model, selling soil amending products (worm castings and rock dust) as well as microgreens and vegetables grown at our urban homestead and sold at local markets through “The Root Cellar: ecoStore & Apothecary“. We aim to couple environmental responsibility and community service while using our earned revenue for projects that responsibly inform citizens and contribute to the common good.
Check out our working group, “The Centre for Urban Agriculture in Alberta” for project pictures and valuable information.