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Initiative für den Übergang zu den Goldenen Ohren

Last Updated: 137 days ago
Kein Hub
We host GETI Fest annually in the downtown Maple Ridge site, Memorial Peace Park.
Incorporated society
Ziemlich aktiv
  • Gemeinschaft Wachsen
  • Gemeinschaftliches Zentrum oder Aktivitäten
  • Festivals, Messen oder Veranstaltungen
  • Kunst / Kreativität
  • Aufbau lokaler Netzwerke
  • Projekte der lokalen Wirtschaft oder der neuen Wirtschaft
  • Teilen, Reparieren oder Wiederverwenden
  • Energie
  • Transport
  • Andere

Our vision is the transformation of the Golden Ears Area from a fossil fuel dependent society into a resilient and vibrant, re-localized community. The mission of the Golden Ears Transition Initiative (GETI) is to be a vehicle of change through which all individuals and groups in the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows (Golden Ears) area, with the common goal of creating a resilient and vibrant community, can work together in a coordinated fashion to accomplish what cannot be done alone, using the proven approach of the Transition Model.

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