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Sucy Environnement et Transition

Last Updated: 802 days ago
Association SUCY ENVIRONNEMENT TRANSITION dans la ville de Sucy-en-Brie (94370) France

Sucy Environnement Transition (SET), crée en Novembre 2009, comme toutes les initiatives de Transition, dont le concept a été lancé en 2005 en Angleterre, est une initiative citoyenne locale dont le but est d’inciter à agir ensemble localement pour une vie plus respectueuse de l’Homme et de la Nature, par un mode de vie moins énergivore et moins émetteur de gaz à effet de serre. Ce type de mode de vie permet aux citoyens de la ville une plus grande résilience face aux crises extérieures.

Comment fonctionne l’initiative

Seuls les individus et les associations ont du mal à faire progresser leur vision. Il est nécessaire de se mettre en réseau sur des valeurs communes comme celles proposées par les villes en transition. Le but est donc de partager des projets, des idées, des évènements et des ressources pour promouvoir et mettre en œuvre la Transition sur le territoire de Sucy en Brie (94).

Notre association apolitique est ouverte à toutes les personnes et associations qui se sentent en phase avec le concept de Ville en Transition sur Sucy-en-Brie.

Si la mise en œuvre de la Transition à Sucy vous tient à coeur, n’hésitez pas à nous rejoindre. 

List of actions “Sucy en Transition”

2009 Nov

  • Creation of the Steering Group with 3 people at the beginning and creation of the Social Network “Sucy en Transition” on Ning

2010 Jan

  • Presentation to the Local Food association “AMAP de Sucy”

2010 Feb

  • Mail to the Local daily Bike association “Place au Vélo à Sucy – MDB”

2010 March

  • Association officially declared to the French authorities
  • Participation to the 1st french initiatives meeting in Mens (south of Grenoble) organised by the 1st French initiative “Trièves après pétrole” based on Mens Triève area represented by Pierre Bertrand. A training provided by Naresh from the TN was provided.

2010 April

  • 1st Presentation of the Transition to the public of our town Sucy-en-Brie April 14 in the large meeting room of the Espace J.M. Poirier -Sucy
  • Visit of Danielle Grunberg (From Transition Scotland) to “Sucy en Transition” (April 19)

2010 May

  • The Steering Group’s 8 members do a workshop in the province of Anjou during 2 days to define the following points : what is the objective, what action do we want to do in short and medium term, which methodology do we want to use inside the Steering Group and with the other members.
  • Migration of the social network from to
  • 2nd Public Meeting for the people interested as actor by the initiative during the 1st Public meeting. The purpose is to launch specific workshop.

2010 June

  • Preparation of the Workshops and the Associations Fest of September.

2010 Sept

  • Associations Fest of Sucy-en-Brie

2010 Oct

  • Participation locally to the worldwide organization event at 10:10 with a picture all people interested in the climat changes.
  • Creation of the Sucy Orchard project
  • Creation of the Less meat project (cooking workshop)
  • Creation of the Agenda 21 project to propose concrete positive actions to the town municipality launching the 1 Agenda 21 of the town

2010 Dec

  • Cooperation with the association SNE (Sucy Nature Environnement) to create a direct purchasing of organic food (meat and cheese,…) directly from a farmers group in Normandie (GIE). Delivery once a month. It will be called the GAEL (Groupe d’Achats Ethiques Locaux)

2011 March

  • Screening and discussion around the film Transtion 1.0 – Soirée Transition du 30 mars 2011

2011 April – June

  • Meeting of Transition actors – SeT-Soirée Transition Acteurs du 12 avril 2011
  • Meeting to launch projects   – SeT-Soirée Transition Acteurs du 15 juin 2011

2011 September

  • Transition present at the town associations fest – Fête des associations de Sucy le 4 septembre 2011
  • Creation of a short film on fest showing the petrol totem – Film
  • Agenda 21 project result provided to the town council as an input to their reflections (they will support the Orchard)

2011 October

  • Jean-Paul becomes NGO social network “” Editor and participate to the3rd WE Editors Meeting (à Paris) – Photos
  • Sucy en Transition organize a conference with a national specialist on the Peak Oil  – Quel avenir sans pétrole – Benoit Thévard

2011 Novembre

  • Meeting of Transition actors – SeT-Soirée Transition Acteurs du 24 novembre 2011

From 2012 to 2014 many events occurred but the main one was the decision to merge 3 associations in one

  • In January 2014 we have merged the following association in the Sucy Environnement Transition. The number of members is very approximative but about 20 to 30 for each and most of the time the same one !
    • Sucy en Transition
    • Sucy Nature Environnement
    • Place au vélo à Sucy
  • In 2015 we created with 4 other cities local initiatives the association “Val-de-Marne en Transition” for the department of Val-de-Marne which has about 1,4 million inhabitants over 245 km².
From 2014 to 2020 we increased the number of thematic groups up to 16 and the number of members up to 300 in august 2020. 

To see more information and contact us, just have a look at our Internet Site :

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