Vækst i NI
- Voksende samfund
- Andre fødevareprojekter
- Natur
- Opbygning af lokale netværk
- Projekter inden for lokaløkonomi eller ny økonomi
- Velbefindende eller indre forandring
- Aktiviteter inden for social retfærdighed/retfærdig omstilling
- Ungdoms- eller uddannelsesprojekter
- Energi
We are a community growing project with growing spaces across Belfast in the north of Ireland. Our mission is to grow ideas and practices for affordable, sustainable food and living in communities, improving wellbeing and reducing social isolation through care and connection as we go. Our work is based on values of social & environmental justice, addressing inequalities and providing alternatives to consumerism. We recognise that small actions on a local scale can help develop confidence, resilience and solidarity, creating bonds and possibilities for real systemic change. We contribute to a grassroots movement based on mutual aid & learning, collaborating with others with a vision for a more sustainable future and ensuring that we are lead by those on the margins & most likely to be affected by social & environmental injustice.